Official Launch of ERTMS website

Today, we are launching our European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) website.  Here you can find a host of information on ERTMS, which aims to replace the different national train control and command systems in Europe, enabling the creation of a seamless European railway system. In addition you can access the first of many videos to come introducing European Train Control System (ETCS) .

As well as providing key information on ERTMS, the new website provides an opportunity to submit questions which will be sent directly to the team.

As a follow up to the launch of the website, we will be coordinating ERTMS Trackside Chats so that colleagues can meet the team and ask questions.  Please keep a look out for posters at your sites which will include a schedule of dates that team members will be stopping in.

Whilst the first route upgrade won’t be completed until 2025, the ERTMS project team have been working behind the scenes to ensure our business is ready for this fundamental change in how we operated and maintain our trains. 

We hope you find the information provided useful and encourage you to visit periodically for further updates on ERTMS within Freightliner and see the exciting ways it’s transforming the business.


The ERTMS Team