Vote for the Freightliner ERTMS Team

We are proud to share that we have been nominated (twice) for Rail Staff Award’s Digital Railway Team of year. Freightliner ERTMS team have worked hard over the previous 12 months, delivering on :

1. State-of-the-Art ERTMS Training Facilities in Ipswich and Leeds

2. The design through to delivery of ultra-light and full cab replica simulators

3. State-of-the-Art Maintainer Training Facilities equipped with maintainer training rigs capable of simulating regular maintenance and fault finding

4. Leading the Industry in ERTMS Implementation through active representation of the freight industry in various national strategy groups including:

• RSSB’s TCTSG (Train Control Technical Sub-group).

• ECDP’s Managing and Monitoring Onboard Equipment Working Group.

• RSSB’s V/TC&C SIC (Vehicle/Train Control & Communications System Interface Committee)

• RSSB’s TOMSC (Train Operation and Management Standards Committee)

• RSSB’s DRACAS SG (Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Steering Group)

5. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing through training development, lessons learned and sharing of resources (to name a few)

Please submit your vote at Here!

voting closes on 22nd October 2023